75km in the ALTRA PARADIGM 6 ... By Kent Lau
Posted on September 26 2021

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(Images courtesy of Altra Running HK)
The Paradigm 6 has just landed in Gone Running and Kent Lau, from the ALTRA RED TEAM, took out an early sample and we are pleased that ALTRA Running HK has shared his evaluation with us. As we build miles in the shoe we will have our own evaluation very soon.
The Paradigm 6 is a complete remake of the model with lots of new innovations.
Quick Summary:
- Upgrade of the midsole to the all new EGO MAX, the premium midsole material of ALTRA and a lot of it, for really great cushioning. (30mm)
- Redesigned "GUIDERAILS' which provide support when needed on both sides of the shoe.
- Introduction of the INNOVARCH concept, previously only used on the PROVISION.
- Completely redesigned upper with great breathable material
- Significant drop in weight despite the increase in cushioning
- Usual ALTRA benefits of Balanced Cushioning, Footshape Toe Box and specific design elements for women's feet.
You can purchase the shoe HERE
Well now the shoe is available... and this is Kent's assessment!
KENTS REVIEW : Pleased to see the all new ALTRA PARADIGM 6 is now available in Gone Running and I was really happy to be asked by Altra Running HK to take an early look at the shoe. When they arrived at my doorstep two months ago, I simply couldn’t wait to give them a go.
The Paradigm 6 is all about #support and #stability, and ALTRA use a system to provide both lateral and medial support they call “Guide Rails”. Despite their subtle presence, the work to push back on your foot if you roll in or roll out and your arches can definitely feel that extra support, especially when you start to tire during your run.
In the past, the Paradigm series always felt a bit cumbersome to me, and I preferred the Provision 4's from Altra whenever I wanted a pair of shoes with stability and support. The new Paradigm 6 does break the paradigm of the series so to speak, and after 300km of running, they still feel lightweight and bouncy. It’s surprising and in a good way!
As a member of the Altra Red Team over the past couple of years, I’ve tried on most of Altra’s models for both road and trail, and these are my impressions of the Paradigm 6:
Impression #1 The energy return of the EGO MAX foam is greater while managing to be lighter. The Paradigm 6 has the most cushioning among the ensemble of Altra shoes, and the 30mm stack height does contribute to a smoother impact absorption over Timp 3 and the Provision series as you roll through your stride. At its 6th iteration, the midsole gets an upgrade from the original EGO to EGO MAX - the brand’s flagship foam material that is more lightweight. As a pair of shoes which focuses on stability and support, it manages to weigh only 307 grams - 11 grams lighter than the Paradigm 5! After running in them for over 300km, the level of energy return and propulsion are still very much noticeable.

Impression #2 The support of the Guide Rail and InnovArch
Towards the end of July, I wore the Paradigm 6 on a 75.37km run along the #TuenMaLine which took me 11 hours and 59 minutes. Since I’ve been occupied with my new business venture, I’ve been slacking in terms of training, so it’s natural that my body felt significantly weaker compared to last year when I wore the Provisions for the 65km Island Line run. Apart from reminding myself to run my heart ❤️ out, the support I’ve felt on my arch from the Guide Rail and Altra’s patented “InnovArch” is the real deal. Despite not being an overpronator, that extra support is greatly appreciated and I’m sure most long distance runners can relate. Adding InnovArch to this shoe is a great step forward.
Impression#3 I’ve been wearing Altra shoes for over 3 years, and knowing that they always stick to their principles of making functional shoes with an emphasis on athletes’ feet is what draws me to them. As an avid lover of long distance running, such as the #8848 Challenger, 189km 4 Trail Loops just to name a few events I’ve had the pleasure to take part in, I fully understand that after running for over 5 hours, the feet starts to get swollen, and the signature width of Altras’ toe-box is that extra 5 star luxury which isn’t offered by other brands. As a running coach myself, I’ve always been a proponent of running with a correct form and posture, and Altra’s Balanced Cushioning and Zero Drop designs which are engineered to promote a more natural running gait is the right fit for my running philosophy.
I would say the Paradigm 6 are suitable for training on the road and for racing in ultra-marathon distances. The aesthetics are pretty good and would actually also work well when paired with regular streetwear. Recommended!
喺早兩個月之前,收到仲未喺香港有得賣嘅Paradigm 6,就急不及待攞咗出去試跑。Paradigm 6係#支撐 #穩定型 跑鞋(Stability Shoes), 以新科技於中掌加上一條你肉眼見唔到,但當你跑到攰嘅時候,就感覺到佢有條軌支撐緊您嘅足弓,呢條軌稱之為 “Guide Rail”。
我之前都有著Altra 另一款支撐穩定型跑鞋——Provison 4 感覺是良好的。一直覺得 Paradigm 系列比較笨重,但今次全新改革嘅Paradigm 6 ,跑完300多公里 ,仍然感覺輕巧,回彈力強勁,到現時都非常之滿意。
作為 Altra Red Team 成員兩年,我著過 Altra 大部分山跑及路跑型號。以下係我對 Paradigm 6 嘅感想。
感想#1- EGO max 更多回彈,更加輕盈。 Paradigm 6 是最高緩震的Altra 鞋,有30mm鞋底厚度, 比Timp 3/ Provision 緩震感覺更高層次。今次第六代,中底物料由以前最高回彈力嘅EGO,更改為 現時品牌最高級別而且更輕的EGO MAX。作為支撐穩定型跑鞋, 只有307g,比上一代輕49g。跑過300多公里,回彈力及推前感覺仍然明顯。
感想#2- Guide Rail 及 InnovArch 無形支撐。
七月尾,我著 Paradigm 6 以 11小時59分 完走 #屯馬線 全程75.37 km。今年因為要搞開舖頭,疏忽咗練習,相比上年以 Provision 完走65km 港島線,尾段身體明顯開始感覺疲倦。除咗提自己用個心❤️去跑之外,足弓感覺到Guide Rail 以及 Altra 專利 “InnovArch” 比我足弓無形支撐。自己無扁平足但 Paradigm 6 的無形支撐,作為長跑運動員,應該每一位都樂於感受到的。
跑完12小時,雙腳都無特別攰,而且膝頭關節都未有感覺勞損,無需特別休息多天。相信是中底EGO Max 的功勞。
感想#3 - 一貫傳統,鞋頭闊,Zero Drop,自然跑
著 Altra 鞋已經超過三年,一直都喜歡品牌堅持製造健康運動跑鞋。我喜歡長跑運動,#8848 挑戰, 189km 4 Trail Loops …等等 明白跑超過5小時,腳掌開始腫脹,闊頭設計可比喻給我腳趾一個 「五星級的家」一樣,非常之喜歡。而且,我教跑班一向推廣正確跑姿,Altra Balanced Cushioning, Zero Drop 推廣自然跑姿同 我跑步理念相似。
整體來說,Paradigm 6適合用來訓練路跑或跑超馬距離的路賽。對鞋外形都唔錯,所以任何朋友喜歡著高大嘅鞋嚟行街,都應該可以襯衫。我本人誠意推薦!
You can purchase the shoe HERE