Gone Running Water Map
Posted on April 27 2022

*Carrying extra water and applying common sense is more important than relying on a map.*
This MAP is created by importing publicly available government data and we have not checked every location.
We accept no liability for the reliability of the data or the availability and maintenance of the water points mentioned. Please check before relying on a particular location for your long run or hike.
We are publishing it, for non-commercial use, simply as a service to the community.
We invite you to help correct / update the data on this map by sending us updates to angie@gone.run , and we sincerely hope it can make your long runs more enjoyable.
Check out our other resources too.
We have a BLOG on Trail Safety HERE
Our Heat Collection is HERE
.. and you will need a hat so our Headwear Collection is HERE
Run happy and be safe, see you on the trails,
GR team