ALTRA MONT BLANC Press Release 18/2/2022
Posted on February 18 2022

ALTRA's all-new running trail shoe. The Mont Blanc. Experience off-road speed!
[February 2022 Hong Kong]
ALTRA Running are pleased to announce the launch of the Mont Blanc, a revolutionary, top spec, lightweight trail racing shoe.
Trail and Ultra Running has become an undeniable trend in recent years. The places where runners want to show their speed are no longer limited to flat roads. Rugged mountain trails have also become a racing stage for runners.
In response to this trend and runners' desire for speed, ALTRA have developed the Mont Blanc, a brand-new trail racing shoe. The functional design is based on the brand's concept of the“Fastest Known Trail (FKT) running shoe". The exceptional performance of the mid sole, its light weight, and the combination with Vibram Litebase Megagrip are this shoe’s greatest features.
The midsole is made of ALTRAs most advanced EGO™ MAX foam to ensure lightness, durability, and resilience comparable to road racing shoes.
The outsole has Vibram’s lightweight version of Megagrip, Litebase combined with a multi-directional lug design, which means this outsole can handle slippery and rough terrain in wet conditions with ease.
The upper is made of an ultra-lightweight and breathable material, which reduces the weight significantly while maintaining protection and comfort.
ALTRA originated in Utah, USA. All ALTRA trail running shoes were traditionally named after the mountains in Utah. Now 10 years later, it finally broke this tradition and picked the iconic Mont Blanc, Europe's highest peak. Mont Blanc of course is also synonymous with the world-renowned Ultrarunning event "Ultra Trail de Mont Blanc" (UTMB).
The ALTRA Mont Blanc gives Trail and Ultra runners the to conquer mountains around the world, and promotes ALTRA as a truly international brand.
Altra's name comes from the ancient Latin "ALTERA" which means "change" and "repair". The brand has been established for ten years and has now emerged and a force in running. The product design revolves around the three core technologies, namely the "zero drop" or Balanced Cushioning™️, which encourages runners to adopt a natural running posture and reduces the chance of injury.
Coupled with the brand's trademark FOOTSHAPE™️ the toe design is made according to the shape of the human foot, providing sufficient shoe space to allow the toes to stretch naturally, improving balance and comfort; and a special women's exclusive Fit4Her™️ shoe last with 4 unique design characteristics that better represent Female runners’ feet.
ALTRA Mont Blanc
Weight: 280g (Men's) / 197g (Women)
Stack Height: 30mm
Applicable to: Racing anything up to and beyond 100km off-road
MSRP : $1,580--
Altra started in 2011 in Utah, a western state of the United States. The brand name comes from the ancient Latin "ALTERA", which means "change" and "repair". Altra has grown every year since its inception and is now the second largest trail running shoe brand in the United States. Altra running shoes are inspired by the Wasatch Mountains near Altra's former headquarters in Utah. The co-founder, Golden Harper, launched a variety of running shoes with the "zero drop" or Balanced Cushioning™️ and the Footshape™️ wide toe design. In its first 10 years, ALTRA has launched a variety of popular road running shoes and trail running shoes and has received awards on many occasions by the famous American sports magazine "Runner's World".

【2022年2月 香港】ALTRA Running 於虎年新正頭 隆重 宣佈 推出 革命性 全新最頂級新機能 輕量競速越野跑鞋 Mont Blanc。
越野跑近年蔚為風潮成為一股難以取代的流行趨勢,跑者發揮速度的場所不再侷限於平路,崎嶇不平的山徑亦可成為跑者的舞台。回應這股越野跑熱潮以及跑者對速度的渴望,Altra Mont Blanc是ALTRA全新推出的越野競速鞋,機能設計概念依據「品牌最極速越野跑鞋」的脈絡為藍本,頂級回彈以及輕量化是其最大特點。中底以 最頂尖 Altra EGO™ MAX 物料打造,確保輕盈、耐用、回彈 可 媲美競速路跑鞋;外底選用Vibram Megagrip輕量版Litebase,配以多方向顆粒設計,能駕馭任何地形並於濕滑及崎嶇環境應付自如。鞋面選用超輕量透氣物料,能最大程度的減輕重量。 維持保護機能及舒適度。
ALTRA起源於美國猶他州,一直以來所有越野跑鞋「必定」以猶他州境內的山嶺命名,非常有意義,如今10年過去,終於打破傳統。Mont Blanc 取名自「歐洲第一高峰」白朗峰,是世界知名越野跑賽事「環白朗峰超級越野耐力賽」(UTMB)的賽道所在。命名 Mont Blanc ,寓意這雙越野競速跑鞋能幫助越野跑者征服世界各地山峰,亦象徵Altra已成為立足世界的國際品牌。
Altra名字源自古拉丁文的「ALTERA」有「改變」、「復修」的意思。品牌成立十年能夠嶄露頭角成為越野跑新貴,產品設計圍繞品牌三大核心技術,分別是「零足跟差」Balanced Cushioning™️ 赤足跑腳感設計,鼓勵跑者採用自然跑姿,減低傷患機會;加上品牌代表性的FOOTSHAPE™️寬闊鞋楦,鞋頭設計依據人類腳形製作,提供充足鞋櫳空間,讓腳趾自然伸展,提高平衡及舒適度;以及特製女性專屬Fit4Her™️專用鞋楦,讓穿上Altra鞋的女跑者能夠舒適地享受涉足山野, 安全地在山林間探索大自然的樂趣。
Altra Mont Blanc
重量:280g (男裝) / 197g (女裝)
Altra始於2011美國西部猶他州(Utah),品牌名字源自古拉丁文的「ALTERA」,有「改變」、「復修」的意思。Altra自創立後每年增長,至今已是全美排名第二大越野跑鞋品牌。Altra跑鞋靈感來自於與Altra總部猶他州附近的Wasatch山脈,創辦人Golden Harper憑「零足跟差」Balanced Cushioning™️ 跑鞋概念 與Footshape™️寬闊鞋頭設計,推出多款跑鞋。至今ALTRA已經推出多款大受歡迎的路跑鞋和越野跑鞋。多次得到美國著名運動雜誌《Runner’s World》點名頒發獎項。