60 second Q&A with #WAATEAM's Janine Canham
Posted on March 24 2017

We can't tell whether it's becoming a sponsored #WAATEAM runner or that little Mo voice on her shoulder telling her to push a little harder, but Janine has had a fantastic 2016/17 season. She's always been a strong runner, especially at multi-day events, but this season has been something else!
1. Where do you live and where are you from?
A: I have lived in Hong Kong for the past 25 years, but I am half English and half Lebanese and have lived in London, Beirut and Paris.
2. Why did you get into trail running?
A: Because I found road races so frustrating, in that it’s all about your pace and time and not about enjoying your surroundings. I love the feeling of freedom on the trails and I love exploring new places.
3. Favourite race so far?
A: Ooh that’s a hard one to answer! I have a passion for multi stage races because I love the opportunity to see remote parts of the world and I love the camaraderie you get when sharing a tent with other runners. My favourite multi stage has to be the Sahara Race in Jordan because of the amazing Lawrence of Arabia scenery: pink sand, golden canyons and a finish line at the Indiana Jones Temple of Doom. I also shared a tent with some fantastic people and we laughed a lot, even through the painful moments.
4. Dream race?
A: Another tough one! I have so many on my bucket list. My next big adventure however is the Costa Rica Coastal Challenge, which I am really excited about because I have raced across many deserts and mountains but this will be my first jungle and beach race.
5. Best trail racing result?
A: Depends how you measure it. I have done really well in some races which have been maybe easier or less competitive than others! My best recent result was finishing 2nd overall woman in the Bhutan International Marathon, which was part road/part trail.
6. Advice for beginners?
A: 2 major tips for stage racing which both sound blatantly obvious but which many people get wrong: (1) Pace yourself and (2) keep eating and drinking.
7. Your favourite piece of WAA kit?
A: I love the WAA Ultra top because it’s a great fit on me and I love all the pockets for my salt tablets, gels, snacks etc.
8. What it means to you to be part of the #WAATEAM
A: I love hearing about other team members’ races and experiences, so I love being part of a community where people share their passions and stories.
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