Posted on January 19 2021

GONE RUNNING is happy to team up with ALTRA HK to bring you 2021 first half marathon and 10K events to help you test your current level of fitness.
The Half Marathon and 10k race will be held at The Science Park, one of the fastest courses in Hong Kong for personal best achievement.
For full details read the Event Information below
To SIGN UP please go to this link
Key Details:
Race Validity Time: 12th Feb to the 31st March
Location: Start and Finish in the Science Park
Distance: Half Marathon 21.1k or 10k races available
Registration Fee: $198hkd
What you get for your money:
- Altra Memorable Race Tee Shirt ($299) OR Altra Memorable Cap ($170)
- Altra Virtual Race Specific Bib
- E-Finishers Certificate
- Active Root Ginger Sport Drink Powder x one Sachets ($18)
- Beet It Sport Nitrate 400 Performance Shot x 1 shot ($25)
- Categories Prizes for categories top three runners
- 10% to 20% discount on a range of products from Gone Running
- Entry to "Guess the Ambassadors Time" and the top 5 closest time estimates win a pair of Altra shoes or a 50% voucher for ALTRA shoes purchase
- A whole lot of fun!
Of course this is a virtual race and participants will be totally self supported and taking part is totally the responsibility of the individual.
ALTRA Fortunate Virtual Half Marathon and 10k
ALTRA Running, 一向致力研發跑鞋領跑者享受自然跑以及減低跑步引致的傷患。品牌取名古希臘文字「Altrea =Altra」就是有「改變」「復修」的意思。因此「平衡緩衝」設計,領跑者以最自然跑姿享受跑步,就是品牌其中一個設計重點。
由於近期疫情關係令更多大眾意識到運動有益身心,增強抵抗力的重要性。所以ALTRA Hong Kong 決定於2021年2月至3月聯同「喜跑」聯合舉辦 ALTRA Virtual Fortune Half Marathon and 10K (ALTRA 牛年行運線上半馬拉松)! 希望藉此活動,鼓勵更多朋友繼續享受跑步樂趣及挑戰自己之外,亦能令各位跑者注意正確跑姿
ALTRA Running is dedicated to designing running shoes to help runners enjoy more natural running to minimise the chance of injury.
The word ALTRA is derived from the Latin “ALTREA “ which means “repair” and “recover”. This was the inspiration for the critical DNA of the brand, Balanced Cushioning and a Wide Toe Box which allows runners to run with a more natural running style.
We are keen to encourage and motivate runners to continue to exercise, which many believe can help boost the immune system, obviously very important during the current pandemic.
Consequently, ALTRA HONG KONG and Gone Running have joined forces to organize the ALTRA Virtual Fortune Half Marathon and 10k during February and March 2021!
賽事設10 公里及半馬21.1公里組,同時兩個距離設男女子組及3個年齡組別。
- 青年組 (30歲以下)
- 公開組 (30歲-45歲)
- 先進組 (>45歲)
The event includes two distance, 10KM or 21KM Half Marathon respectively.
Both races are divided in age category and genders as below:
- Youth (Age under 30)
- Open (Aged between 30- 45)
- Master (Aged >45
報名日期 Registration Period:
15 Jan – 30 Mar, 2021
賽事日期 Race Period:
12 Feb – 31 Mar, 2021
賽事地點 Race Venue:
Science Park 科學園
By signing up to this event, participants agree to the terms of our event disclaimer. Details of this can be found HERE
報名費及選手包 Registration Fee and Race Pack Pick Up:
10公里及半馬拉松組別的報名費均為$198港元, 選手包包括
- ALTRA Virtual Fortune Half Marathon 特別版紀念Cap帽 (價值$170) 或ALTRA Virtual Fortune Half Marathon 特別版紀念T-shirt (價值$299)
- ALTRA Virtual Fortune Half Marathon 號碼布
- 電子證書 (參加者將在提交完成時間和比賽記錄後的三天內收到)
- Active Root 生薑運動電解沖劑 x 1 (價值$18)
- Beet It Sport Nitrate 400 為你提升運動表現2-4% 高濃縮紅菜頭汁 x 1 (價值$25)
- 有機會以優異成績贏得組別獎
- 以優惠價錢,於喜跑購買指定貨品
- 參加者可以參與 "Guess the Ambassadors Time"活動,估算時間最接近活動大使完成時間的參與者,有機會贏取Altra跑鞋 乙對又或者,半價購買跑鞋獎券
Registration fee for 10Km and Half Marathon categories is HKD$198.
Race pack includes the following items
- ALTRA Memorable Cap – ALTRA Half Marathon Special Edition (Valued $170) OR ALTRA Memorable T-shirt – ALTRA Half Marathon Special Edition (Valued $299)
- ALTRA Virtual Half Marathon/10k bib
- E-Finisher Certificate (Participant will receive within 3 days after submitting the finishing time and running record)
- Active Root ginger sport drink powder x one sachet (Value $18)
- Beet It Sport Nitrate 400 Performance Shot x 1 (Value $25)
PRIZES - 10KM AND HALF MARATHON – Prizes are the same for both races.
男女子組全埸冠軍 |
ALTRA 路跑鞋乙對 |
每組男女子冠軍 |
1. $700 ALTRA 路跑鞋現金券 2. 運動營養補給品價值HK$200 |
每組男女子亞軍 |
1. $600 ALTRA 路跑鞋現金券 2. 運動營養補給品價值HK$200 |
每組男女子季軍 |
1. $450 ALTRA 路跑鞋現金券 2. 運動營養補給品價值HK$200 |
參加者需在2021年2月12日至3月31日期間一次過完成位於 白石角科學園 的10公里或半馬拉松路線,並於2021年3月31日或前把完成時間、照片及跑步記錄上載。
Overall Male and Female Champion |
A pair of ALTRA road running shoes |
Champion from each category |
1. $700 ALTRA Cash Voucher 2. Set of sports nutritional supplement Value in HK$200 |
1st runner-up from each category |
1. $600 ALTRA Cash Voucher 2. Set of sports nutritional supplement Value in HK$200 |
2nd runner up from each category |
1. $450 ALTRA Cash Voucher 2. Set of sports nutritional supplement Value in HK$200 |
Participants need to finish the run of 10KM or Half Marathon between 12 February 2021 (00:01) and 31 March (23:59) and be sure to upload their times, photos and STRAVA link as instructed before 31 March 2021.
領取選手包 Race pack pick up:
活動於 1月15 至3月30日接受報名,參加者可以 於2月8日起到Gone Running門市領取選手包。領取選手包時, 必須出示確認電郵(列印或數碼圖檔),顯示網上訂單編號以領取選手包。Gone Running 門市地址:香港灣仔莊士敦道137-139號新盛商業大廈16樓
領取選手包日期及時間:2月8日至3月31日 中午11:00 – 晚上8:00
Participants can register between the 15 January and the 30th March and can pick up the race pack at Gone Running Store from 8 February onwards.
If you have taken advantage of any of the various offers open you will be able to collect these also at the same time.
Gone running store address:
16/F, Simsons Commercial Building, 137 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong (MTR A3 Exit)
Race pack pick up date and time: 8 February - 31 March (11:00-20:00)
Race pack pick up for others:
Race pack can be collected by friends or relatives. Please ask them to bring your email order receipt (printed copy of digital format)

路線資料 Course Information:
半程馬拉松 Half Marathon:
Half Marathon course starts from Pak Shek Kok Promenade and run towards Ma On Shan Promenade. U-turn at the Ma On Shan Promenade around 5.5km and then back to the starting point and run along the coast of Science Park to Yuen Chau Tsai Park. After arrive at Yuen Chau Tsai Park around 16km, then U-turn and back to Pak Shek Kok Promenade and cross the finishing point
(距離Distance: 21.1公里Km, 爬升Elevation: 18米M)
Start & Finish Point - Pak Shek Kok Promenade:

十公里 10KM:
10km course starts from Pak Shek Kok Promenade and run along the coast of Science Park to Tai Wong Yeh Temple, then return back to Pak Shek Kok Promenade.
(距離Distance: 10公里Km, 爬升Elevation:8米M)
Start & Finish Point - Pak Shek Kok Promenade: (as the half marathon)
規則及注意事項Rules and Special Notices:
出發前,請留意香港天文台的天氣預告,避免天氣欠佳情況下出發。如天氣惡劣 ,請停止活動,留在結構穩固的遮蔽處。
Participant needs to complete the event by running or walking. Rollerblading, riding on bicycle, or any kind of vehicle are not allowed.
Participant needs to finish the whole course in once time, but the number of trial runs has no limit. Organiser understands the route and time recorded by different watch or mobile will be different. With regards to verification of result, it will be handled with flexibility. However, the finish distance of Half Marathon Category should be longer than 21Km. The Finish distance of 10Km category should be longer than 9.8Km.
There will no water point or aid station along course. Participant is recommended to bring at least 1000ml, and some food or arrange own support. Support by the others along the course for this event is allowed. Please bring ID card, small amount of cash, Octopus Card, mobile phone with local connection, and also bib for inclusion in the verification pictures.
Please check the weather forecast of Hong Kong Observatory in advance, and do not start if adverse weather is expected. Please stop, and look for shelter if the weather is bad.
There will no course marking along the course. Please check and familiarize with course in advance. Course information is available on this page. It is also recommended to download the GPX file of the course to the mobile or GPX watch.
Be environmental friendly. No littering on the course is allowed.
Participant should understand nature and risk of the event, and voluntarily join the event. Please consult the physical advice if you have doubt on physical conditions. In case you are not feeling well, please stop immediately.
Participant is recommended to have personal accident insurance for personal safety. This is purely and informal event and undertaken entirely at the risk of the individual.
Vehicles are found on the course. Please be aware on the road conditions, and follow traffic rule.
Participant needs to follow the law of Hong Kong during the event
Organizer reserve the right to change the rule and regulation and have the final decision of this event
退款及轉讓條款 Refund and Transfer policy:
No refund and no transfer for this event. Participant can register both 10Km and 21Km categories
How to get there
To get to Science Park there are several options available:
The closest MTR station to the start/finish area is University Station of the MTR East Rail line with a 1.7km walk to the start.
Green minibus number 27 travels between Sha Tin MTR station (Pai Tau Street) and Hong Kong Science Park with the first minibus leaving at 6:25am.
Public Bus
- 272K– Between MTR East Rail Line University Station Bus Terminus and Hong Kong Science Park
- 74D– Between Kwun Tong Ferry Bus Terminus and Tai Po Kau Lung Hang (via Hong Kong Science Park) (Bus services every 60 minutes)
There are 600 car parking spaces at Science Park Phase 2 car park. Payment is with Octopus card only.
Taxi Drop Off
The closest taxi drop off point will be at Science Park Road Pak Shek Kok Promenade.