The 2019 WAA Summer League - Points mean Prizes !!

Posted on March 22 2019

The 2019 WAA Summer League - Points mean Prizes !!

3rd August Update 

Campbellend has managed to maintained his lead gained during the last chicken chase but Frankifurter has closed the gap.... all very close. Shambles has now stolen the lead but has newbie LifesABirch right on her heals ... Great turnouts each week now and after 19 weeks of summer running the Golden Boots are still up for grabs. 

Even in the age groups still very tight... all still to play for...








The First Chicken Chase of 2019 - July 6th 

This coming weekend we will hold the first of our Chicken Chases of 2019.

The principle is the person that has recorded the slowest time of the summer, sets off with, yes, a rubber chicken. Everybody else then chases said chicken, handicapped by the time difference based on their times they have recorded this year so far. 

Theoretically, everybody should finish together but it never happens that way :-)

The Chicken starts with a 10 point bonus and everybody earns 2 points for every place they improve on their starting position. So this can have a big impact on the summer league standings. 

So here are the provisional starting times. Atishoo will start with the Chicken at 8.00am and then everybody is handicapped behind her. Nice if you can make it to the start to see her off... 


Update as of 15-06-19


We are working up to a Chicken Chase on July 6th and these are the current standing in the Summer League as of Saturday 15th June.... We have Age Group Leaders and overall leaders and Frankifurter once again tops the pile... Will he survive the Chicken Chase ?.... Come along to the Saturday run tomorrow at 8.30am at Wanchai Gap and put down a time and get ranked for the Chicken Chase on the 6th... Will you get your name "engraved" on the Breast of Honour ?......Your time dictates your handicap !.. The format is simple, the person with the slowest time recorded during the summer has the honour of being the chicken and get 10 Summer League points instantly. Eveyone else is then handicapped by their relevant time. Theoretically everyone should finish together but in never happens.... If you catch the chicken you become the chicken carrier and whoever finishes with it also gets 10 points. For every place you improve on your starting position you get 2 points. Normal attendance points and heat and humidity points count too !!..... Its just a load of fun !. 





Update as of 01-06-19

After this mornings joyous run, the WAA Summer League is shaping up nicely with a good group of people now on the board.

A number of people have attendance points but have yet to finish 1 complete circuit.This is the basic necessity for the points to count, but count they will if that circuit is completed

Raclette obviously was being very tactical by leading newbies, RolandRat (not to be confused with RolandRatette who is now in Namibia) and LifesABirch, on a short cut.... I am sure that will be put right next week.

Great to see ChamiChami complete her first complete circuit!

Frankifurter continues to be League Ninja but RogetThat! and TheSwissCheese are not far behind. A touch more consistency needed.
June 22nd looks ripe for a Chicken Chase and at the moment Atishoo is holding fast to the Parsons Nose.
If the scoring system fools you ... scroll down for the details.










Update as of 18-05-19

We are now 8 weeks into to this years WAA Sponsored Summer League and its really from now the real competition starts.At the moment "FrankiFurter" leads the pack because of a 6/8 attendance record and a reasonable time. However, "RogerThat!" is right on his heels. Leading lady is "ADogNamedSuzy" who established an early lead but insists on wearing a furry coat every week. This will not work in her favor going forward!. As races start to reduce and the temp and humidity climbs, you can get rewarded for turning up and braving the tough conditions. The tougher, the more points. read below how our scoring system works.... Come and join the fun ... 8.30am, Wanchai Gap Park, top of Wanchai Gap Road, near the police Museum. For the folks with no points right now, we still have your effort point ... you just need to complete one complete lap of the course to have them factor in.... Come, GandalfTheGrey will give you his banana as a reward :-)

Update as of 04-05-19

Lovely running conditions this morning and the return of a few old Saturday morningers to boost the numbers. First back was once again FrankiFurter, closely followed by the ever sprightly DontCallMeSheela and then jogging Kitbag, as he is saving himself for his race tomorrow. TheHolyFather dripped in next sporting his ever so well fitting Gone Runners top and then Shambles ground up the hill with teeth clenched. Hallitosis was somewhere lost in the bushes at the mercy of the Aberdeen Boars.... but he made it eventually. Nice run all ... cool conditions and low humidity meant no weather points this week which is very unusual but as ever, attendance points were added. Frankifurter continues to top the table as League Ninja through determination and regularity which sounds like what you must do, and what you should expect if you plan to follow Vlad Ixels dietary advice of 30 bananas per day. On to next week folks ...  


Update as of 13-04-19. 

Sadly it rained most of the day but not while we were running therefore we didn't get the rain points... As the racing is still happening, this early start to the League is always slower but the running this week was certainly more sparky. The Hobbit was the first back and took the lead banana, kindly provided by GandalfTheGrey and then a whole bunch arrived, people,
not bananas.

TheSwintonSwindler was making a guest appearance as a mate of Hallitosis who claimed his usual position as the red lantern. TheDogNamedSU(zy) is making a paw of it but will run into problems when removing her coat becomes a necessity :-) KoKoChanel has now made two appearances and it is our aim to get her around the course as soon as possible...

So current standings are:-

For the incredibly complex scoring algorithm... scroll down  

Saturday, March 30th 2019 sees the start of the 2019 WAA Summer League. An annual event, which is free to join and runs all through the summer until the end of September!!

We are pleased to announce that this years Summer League will be sponsored by WAA and they will be providing us with some goodies throughout the summer.

We are very pleased to have WAA on board and this will add a couple of innovations to the usual format. 

Each month for instance, the current male and female leader will take on the mantel of  WAA LEAGUE NINJA and receive a special black singlet from WAA. :-).

If the leadership changes at the end of the next month that mantel will be transferred (not the sweaty shirt though thankfully.:-))

So how does the league work ? We use the occasion of the regular Gone Runners Saturday Run and each week, participants accumulate points and the bloke and sheila at the end of the September with the most points wins THE GOLDEN BOOT !! . Much beer will be consumed along with endless frivolity at the season end Golden Boot Party. 


So how do you score points !... The base score is 100 minus your fastest time run on the course during the summer. Sheilas get 106 minus your fastest time. The reason for the additional 6 points (106 v 100) is the number of minutes between the men's and the women's course record which currently stands at 6 minutes. 

The time is also age graded, in 10 year brackets !.

On top of that each week points are added. 1 point for turning up. and then a number of points based on the conditions. The hotter and more humid it is, the more points you get. If it rains, more points ... loads if its a rainstorm warning !! :-)

The point is  -- PERSISTENCE PAYS ! ... you don't have to be the fastest. Last years winners were Jeny Bender and FrankiFurter ... both very consistent during the heat. 

To add a bit of spice during the event, we also throw in a couple of CHICKEN CHASES !! ... This year, the Chicken will get a special White Vest from WAA ..

These are handicapped runs where we set the person with the slowest time of the summer off first, with our famous chicken, adinuff and everybody else sets off later, handicapped by their time difference to the chicken. Points are awarded of course for every place you reel in during the run. 

Theoretically, everybody should finish together .... but it rarely happens.....lots of Jolly Japes obviously !!

We finish the Summer with the presentation of the famous Golden Boots at a suitably arranges party... Again WAA will be providing extra prizes for the winners !
So get connected to the Gone Runners Saturday Group on Facebook

Better still, join the Gone Runners here :-

... and join the fun..... 

So who is WAA?.... one of the leading sports apparel manufacturers in the world 

"Satisfaction & Enjoyment

As the official sponsor of the Half Marathon des Sables, we believe that running is not only a physical challenge, but also a spiritual journey. By constantly challenging our physical limitations we free our brains from responsibilities and stress. Running is not only a physical switch, but also a way to find inner peace.

WAA strives to free runners from technical concerns. All you need to do is to enjoy the moment.

At every stage of product development, we keep your comfort and ease as a priority.

Sports are all about enjoyment. At WAA, we try to instill this idea of satisfaction, freedom, at each stage of development of our products. After every tweak and improvement possible, we are overjoyed with the final product. We sincerely hope you enjoy it as much as we do. Running should be simple, a healthy lifestyle, and a fun activity. Let’s give running some color."


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