Downhill Workshop - Learn the Right Way to Run Downhill/Steps with JEFF & LUIS

Posted on February 22 2020

Downhill Workshop - Learn the Right Way to Run Downhill/Steps with JEFF & LUIS

Recap Downhill Workshop with Jeff Campbell and Luis Alvelais and get ready for confident fast downhill.   

Thank you so much for Luis Alvelais and Jeff Campbell leading the workshop, we managed to raise a massive HKD$5,250 which Gone Running then matched to a grand total of $10,500 for RUN HK. Thanks to everyone who took part.

Watch the video HERE

Summary for LUIS and Jeff's workshop:

  1. Lean forwards, legs bent, loose upper body, relax and try to be smooth when going downhill
  2. Engage your core and use your arm for balance as needed. Point your body and knees forward to utilize gravity to push you forward and keep your centre of gravity over your feet.
  3. Keep a consistent rhythm when running downhill, do you brake or slow down.
  4. Always look a few steps or 3-5 meters ahead and visualize where you step next
  5. Curving steps, always go outside part of the step for more surface area. 
  6. For speed on steps aim to do the 2 at a time. When the terrain is changing, try to slow down to reset the pace and rhythm
  7. Step on middle size stone, when it's wet, prefer step in a puddle instead of mud which will be more slippery.
  8. The longer the race, the shorter the warm up. The shorter then race, the longer the warm up.
  9. Select shoes with good grip for wet condition and bigger outsole platform for more surface area such as Vibram Megagrip. Smaller lugs rather than big lugs for Hong Kong conditions. (We have very little mud)
  10. If you have knee pain during run, it's a signal you need to fix it. Ice could be helpful for cooling down if inflamed but more important is to fix the root problem. 
  11. In case you fall or slip, use your hand to cover up your head or face
  12. If running in the dark, get a brighter lumen headlamp for more clear terrain and more confidence going downhill
  13. Practice regular leg strengthening exercises

And below are additional points we have covered in previous workshops...

Hong Kong offers some unique challenges and opportunities when you are involved in a race which involves fast, downhill running.

We are focused here on races that are typically shorter and faster than an ultramarathon where often descending hills is an exercise in leg muscle preservation. Here we want speed, and to get down the hill as fast, but as safely, as possible. 

So don't confuse speed with recklessness. The aim is to be completely in control at all time. 

TRIPPING AND SLIPPING. The obvious concerns for most people are tripping and slipping which undermines confidence, so it's good to remember two things.




  • You trip with your LAGGING foot
  • You slip with your LEADING foot

Which means, the more technical the trail, the more you lift your lagging foot. 

For your leading foot, foot placement is at least as important as shoe choice. 

On top of that, building leg strength and choosing the right shoes brings control, and control brings confidence 

    SHOE CHOICE AND FOOT PLACEMENT. Many people complain about their shoes being slippy and indeed it's important to pick shoes that are good in Hong Kong's specific conditions.

    • Choose less stack height over more stack height
    • Prefer shoes with Vibram Megagrip, it has become the default best choice for Hong Kong conditions. Many brands now adopt this.

    Smaller cleats are better than big ones. We don't get much mud here and many trail shoes are designed for soft ground and have big cleats. Best avoid them for racing in Hong Kong. 

    However, shoes can't protect you from everything and it is at least as important to think a lot about foot placement

    You should be able to spot the place where your foot is going to land about 2 meters ahead of you, look at it once and then have your foot automatically go there. This takes a bit of practice but will come. 

    Try to pick a spot where your foot will be anchored. By anchoring we mean picking a spot where the rocks or terrain hold your foot and will reduce the chance of a slip forward 

    Examples of anchoring

    Also when cornering fast downhill, especially when its wet and slippy, remember the outside foot on the turn is the anchor foot 

    That way if you do slip you will catch yourself with your inside foot. If you lead with your inside foot there is no back up. 

    So much of downhill trail racing has similar principles to downhill skiing. Lean forward, centre of gravity over your landing foot, never lean back, always face down the hill, weight on the down hill ski (foot)

    Shoulders square to the hill, arms forward and apart as if you are holding fictitious ski poles. If you must use poles, have your hands out of the straps when descending. (You will need your hands if you do fall)... better still, don't use poles

    STEPS. Steps are so much a part Hong Kong running so its a big advantage if you learn how to tackle them quickly....

    • Practice 2 Steps at a Time => The only way to be FAST!
    • On narrow steps, back your heel into the step, don't try to land your toes. There is a big risk of having the previous step tip you off the step you are trying to hit. If you buy shoes with a rudder (Lengthy protrusion at the back of the shoe) (e.g. ALTRA Lone Peak) CUT IT OFF IMMEDIATELY !. 
    • Never side-step
    • Full foot landing and CoG over the foot on forward sloping steps

    We have a lot of steps that have been constructed with a wooden plate or stone at the front of the step and inevitably the ground behind it gets eroded. These kind of steps can be very dangerous.

    For these kinds of steps we recommend just resting you toe lightly on the plate (assuming the erosion is not so great that this becomes impossible). This helps remind you of the lip and prevents your toe getting caught when you lift it as a lagging foot. BUT REMEMBER, big lagging foot lift !!

    Beyond that,  avoid stepping on the following
    • Anything made of wood
    • Tree roots
    • Tops of rocks
    • Anything alive :-)

    We hope you find these tips useful. They are by no means exhaustive and whatever you do be careful,and practice well. Remember, Being speedy does not mean being reckless. 

    However, the feeling of safely descending trails at speed in a flowing relaxed way is one of the most rewarding parts of trail running. 


    About the author. Peter has raced in Hong Kong for the last 20 years on most of the trails in many different conditions. Prior to that he participated in Fell Racing in the the UK and can ski. He has always enjoyed the experience and thrill of downhill racing and still holds a few downhill Strava records on HK trails.  


    • Peter Hopper: February 24, 2020

      Ken, we see some people tackle narrow steps by standing sideways to the hill and putting one foot on a step and than the next foot on the next step down by crossing the feet. Firstly, it is slow, you can never graduate to two steps at a time, but Secondly and most importantly it substantially increases the risk of tripping as you are crossing your feet. That is a major trip risk. Hence we don’t think it is good technique

    • Ken Chan: February 24, 2020

      Good info, many thx. Why “Never Side step”?

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